Circle of Care

Touching upon our circular relations to care practices, Circle of Care challenges the ‘caring/being cared’ binary as our life situations constantly shift us between these two. Also, the caring relationship is often reciprocal rather than one way. The narratives are drawn from a series of workshops with care home seniors. We discussed what care means around objects that carry significant memories or everyday practice of care, made the ‘care tree’ that depicts various care relationships, debated what makes us vulnerable and hence builds strength whilst making care totems, and we looked into the institutional care system and the reality of the care industry.

These conversations were activated and shared  through the performance ‘Circle of Care’ at Camden Arts Centre, with the launch of the Care Crosswords! The game board with a QR code that leads to the clues has been displayed on the garden wall of Camden Arts Centre, which is also downloadable from their website.

* Commissioned by Camden Arts Centre, curated by the RCA Curating Contemporary Art 2021 for the group show It Matters What Happens Next

* Special thanks to the Springdene Care Home artist resident Odile Kidd and all our workshop participants!!!